Physiotherapy clinic in Tallinn

Get a memorable experience by visiting our physiotherapy clinic.

Reakt The physiotherapy clinic is built on four core values: atmosphere, service, results and team. We want you to be able to enjoy an exceptionally pleasant and spacious environment when you come to us, you are always received with a smile and, most importantly, our team always does its best to achieve the best possible results for you.
If you have an injury or are in pain, it is often difficult to know who to turn to for help. Rainar Vahtrik, the founding member of Reakt Physiotherapy, was in a similar situation and recovered from elbow surgery about 15 years ago. At the end of this process, he discovered his passion for physiotherapy that other people should not be in the same situation without answers. As a result, he began studying at the University of Glasgow Caledonian, Scotland, practiced specialty medicine under the guidance of specialists in his field in Canada, and eventually opened a Reakt Physiotherapy Clinic with his partners.
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    Reakt füsioteraapia kliinik tallinnas puhkeala
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    reakt füsioteraapia kliiniku vastuvõtulaud
    Füsioteraapia kliinik Tallinnas
  • Reakt füsioteraapia treeningsaal
  • Reakt füsioteraapia kliinik tallinnas puhkeala
  • Reakt füsioteraapia kliinik
  • Füsioteraapia kliinik taastusravi kabinet
  • reakt füsioteraapia kliiniku vastuvõtulaud
  • Füsioteraapia kliinik Tallinnas

Welcome to Reakt Physiotherapy Clinic!


Reakt Physiotherapy Clinic got its start already in 2016, when Rainar returned to Estonia after five years of studies and self-development. His dream was to use the acquired skills and knowledge to help people from different backgrounds in the way they needed.


After a long search, we found an ideal location in the center of Tallinn for the clinic that had not yet been named. We wanted our clinic to be spacious and people to feel at home when they visited us, because if a person can feel comfortable with us, they will enjoy the whole process many times more.


After almost 5 months of development and construction, the Reakt Physiotherapy Clinic finally opened its doors. The physiotherapy clinic in Tallinn found its nest at Narva mnt 7d (A-building, 2nd floor), where there is room for relaxation, client review and training exercises.


As the clinic developed, we were joined by 2 talented physiotherapists who share the values of Reakt Physiotherapy and who improve our personality and knowledge with our team. The most important thing for our clinic is that people get clear and understandable answers to all their questions and leave with a better feeling than when they come to us.


After listening to the wishes of our clients, our physiotherapists developed a system of manual therapy that would take our ability to help people to a new level, and we decided to call it Reactivation.

Reakt Füsioteraapia

Our physiotherapists will help you achieve the best version of yourself. Book an appointment - you're always welcome!

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