
Reactivation is our version of a massage session that combines different manual therapy techniques to reduce muscle tension and get you moving more optimally.
Many people want to take care of their bodies to support their lifestyle, without having a specific problem. Therefore, we decided to create a new approach - Reactivation - our individualized manual therapy system, which helps optimize your physical health. For two years, our physiotherapists, in cooperation with our clients, created a system that considers the individuality of each person. Starting with an assessment in which a physiotherapist assesses a person's posture, how he or she stands, how he or she walks, muscle tension, and joint mobility, considering each person's lifestyle and exercise habits. Assessment is the cornerstone of our sessions, allowing the physiotherapist to direct their manual therapy techniques to achieve the best possible effect.

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See what Kanal2 is saying about reactivating.

Frequently asked questions

Why did we develop Reactivation ?

Reactivation arose from the idea of creating a hybrid of physiotherapy, manual therapy, massage, and soft tissue therapy. We wanted to create an opportunity for people to take care of their bodies proactively, wisely and effectively. Taking care of your body doesn't always have to be hard work, and reactivation offers a nice alternative.

We have been developing techniques and strategies for more than 2 years now and have reached an optimal service. We developed our approach in collaboration with our customers to create a system that delivers tangible results. The reactivation session begins with biomechanical analysis, identifying muscle tensions, mobility limitations, and other potential sources of problems. Next, we combine knowledge of the human body and manual techniques to unlock the full potential of your body.

How is Reactivation different from massage and physiotherapy?

Reactivation is a hybrid we create between massage, physiotherapy and other techniques. We have combined different techniques to get a deeper effect, muscle relaxation and improvement of blood supply (as in the case of classical massage), but also to affect the body's nervous system in a way where it is able to absorb the desired changes. Another difference is that Reactivation sessions are performed by our physiotherapists, who are able to identify problems in the body more thoroughly and thereby assess which areas of the body need more attention. The client can also ask questions about the problems they are having at the beginning of the session, and the physiotherapist can find out the reasons for them and give advice.

Who should use Reactivation session?

"Reactivation is the smartest way to take care of your body" - A.V.
In short, a reactivation session is for everyone. Athletes, manual workers, office workers, people who sit / travel a lot, health athletes. Reactivation allows people to take care of their bodies on a regular basis, and if they do not have the need / desire for corrective exercises, the effects of reactivation alone should already produce a significant effect.

What to expect?

During reactivation, it is felt that the techniques are concentrated in the problem areas, with the greatest possible detail if necessary. People perceive that they get to know their bodies much better. Addressing concerns and monitoring and measuring progress will ensure a very thorough approach and the best outcome.

Customer feedback:
"It is a concentrated activity that pays attention to specific muscle groups and in many times more detail than regular massage"

"Clearly the physiotherapist's knowledge is more precise on how to affect problematic muscle groups"

"Explanations and justifications for certain techniques and their objectives add a great deal"

What effects should I expect ?

The result is often reflected in relief of symptoms and general improvement in well-being. Also, problems no longer occur as often as they used to, or disappear altogether. Makes it easier to move, work, exercise as well as sleep, stretch, sit and generally make life more enjoyable.

"After a week, the body still moves much more freely over a long period of time"

"Workouts seem more enjoyable"

"The muscles are much looser and the tension in the body is much smaller than before. Everything is moving much better "

Reactivation creates an opportunity to take care of your body wisely, even if there are no specific problems, especially if you are waiting for air travel, competitions, or long working hours.

How to prepare for my session?

If you have had any diagnostic imaging done or have seen a doctor for your issue bringing any information that is available to you would be great ! If we are your first point of contact, we are very grateful for your trust in our abilities – visiting a doctor before coming to us is not required !

Bring comfortable clothing that you can freely move around in. The therapist may also ask to see the affected area. So if you have knee issues, wearing shorts would be fantastic!

Drink water - water helps the body function. Being well hydrated will help your progress along quicker!

Do not eat heavy foods just before your session - consuming a large meal draws a lot of blood around the stomach for digestion, it can reduce the benefits of your Reactivation session.

Reakt Füsioteraapia

Our physiotherapists will help you achieve the best version of yourself. Book an appointment - you're always welcome!

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